Cloud Shadows Over Talybont on Usk
oil painting of the river usk with fields in the midground and mountains in the distance, Talybont-on-usk

  • £225

Cloud Shadows Over Talybont-on-Usk

An impressionistic Oil painting of sunlight hitting the fields and mountains in Talybont, and the blue shadows cast by the clouds, giving it a lovely sense of light.

Oil painting, 30x24cms wooden board in white float frame.

Available at:
Ardent Gallery, 46 High Street, Brecon, LD3 7AP
01874 623333
Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm

  • £225

Cloud Shadows Over Talybont-on-Usk

An impressionistic Oil painting of sunlight hitting the fields and mountains in Talybont, and the blue shadows cast by the clouds, giving it a lovely sense of light.

Oil painting, 30x24cms wooden board in white float frame.

Available at:
Ardent Gallery, 46 High Street, Brecon, LD3 7AP
01874 623333
Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm